War Room

Attorneys try cases all the time in places that are far away from the comfort of their home office. If there are more than a handful of people associated with the trial team, then there is usually a need to build out and use a War Room. With many years of creating war rooms that work,  I have developed some insights that might help others.

I'll be blogging about different topics related to supporting trial teams, from logistical considerations to trial technology and specifically how to have a functional war room. Full disclosure - I am NOT an attorney and I am not giving legal advice in any way. What I AM is an IT professional that has worked in the legal industry for many years and have developed specific expertise in this area. I do work on case management and deal with documents and video for display in court, and I sit in the hot seat. I love working with trial teams and presenting their documents in court! It is my hope that I might be able to pass on some knowledge that others will find helpful. There are trials going on all the time, and I know that it is unlikely that all those trial teams have someone like me to just come in and make their stuff work. If you have questions, contact me and I will be happy to see if I can help you over your speed bump (whatever that might be). Or, post a comment. I wish you all success!

~ Leslie Gillett


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