Can I print yet?

Printers and copiers on just one side of room Sometimes it seems that this is all everyone cares about when you set up workspace for trial. Sure, people need to access the internet and get email, and they want a comfortable work area. There is something about printing at trial though, it starts right away and continues until that last person doesn’t need anything else so you can finally break down. I have made the joke at more than one trial that once people get there they will start to print “the library of congress.” It is a marvel how much printing goes on in earnest as soon as people sit down. This is one of the single greatest things you have to get right when you are planning for your group. You’ll need black and white printers, and color printer(s) as well as high speed copiers that can scan and hole-punch and staple and so forth. If you have to get rid of anything, lose the printers and keep the copiers. It’s not a bad idea to have both color and B&W copiers. Tru...