This hotel is going to be great!

I’ve saved the best for last in this little series on getting internet access in the hotel. In the post titled Hunker Down, I talked about how you might have to just live with a situation where you don’t have any alternatives. Following that, Mix it Up was about having to make the decision to go somewhere else if the hotel just doesn’t want to work with you. In this post, I want to talk about the happy circumstance you will sometimes find yourself in where everything you need is already in place.

It does happen. Especially in areas that have State or Federal Courts close by, there are likely to be hotels that have already invented the wheel. Maybe someone like me has been there before and laid the groundwork to get extra bandwidth in and all you have to do is pay to get it turned on. Maybe they have a lot of bandwidth already there and an IT group that can VLAN a portion of it off for you. When I talk with a hotel and they are very matter-of-fact about it and indicate that they do this all the time, I am happy.

The hotel says you can use their wiring closet as long as you promise not to mess up their stuff. Yes, they have plenty of power in the conference room. Yes, they have a couple of dedicated plugs for the copiers to plug into there as well. Yes, they have some information about local resources that rent equipment like copiers and printers. Bandwidth, segregated and synchronous? No problem!

Maybe you’ve already done a trial or two out of this very location and they love you guys. They’re happy to see you when you get there. Really, it does happen. One less war room to worry about getting connected to the outside world!

Not a whole lot more to say about this situation. It’s your lucky day, so enjoy. You’ll still have plenty of work to do, but at least you don’t have to worry about internet access. That is a big deal.

This has been a pretty good overview of some of the issues related to getting internet access in hotels. Still a lot to write about so many other subjects. Maybe you find out the war room will be in empty office space. Maybe you’ll be working out of co-counsel space. Networking problems to figure out, etc.

Stay tuned.


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